To submit your images, select the link below to send a WebMail to the Global Clubs & Activities Coordinator Box.

Do you have an image you want to share from a summer activity or experience? Send a photo or screenshot to the Global Clubs & Activities Coordinator WebMail Box! Select the link below to submit your photo. You must be logged into Connexus in order for the link to work. Please read the information below the link before submitting.
Images may not contain the faces of people. They can include an original photo or screenshot. Examples may include artwork, nature, gaming, vacations, cooking/baking, science experiments, architecture, etc. We welcome your creativity! You may only submit one photo per week.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO CARETAKERS: The submission of your student’s original work serves as your consent to allow them to participate in this activity and for Connections Academy, Pearson Online Academy, Pearson, or your school, to publish/display the submitted work, including your student’s first name and last initial, to any audience, in any print or digital medium, including social media.